Monday, March 16, 2020

Character Sketch of George Essay Essay Example

Character Sketch of George Essay Essay Example Character Sketch of George Essay Paper Character Sketch of George Essay Paper George would non be himself if he didn’t have Lennie. George can be describe as a responsible and caring individual every bit good as a dreamer. George is responsible non merely for himself. but besides for Lennie â€Å"I want you to remain with me. Lennie. Jesus Christ somebody’d shoot you for a prairie wolf if you was by yourself. No. you stay with me. Your Aunt Clara wouldn’t like you running off by yourself. even if she is dead. † ( Steinbeck. 13 ) ; Lennie said excitedly â€Å"But non us! An’ why? Because†¦ because I got you to look after me. and you got me to look after you. and that’s why. † ( Steinbeck. 14 ) George promised Lennie’s Aunt Clara that he would take attention of Lennie no affair what happened. even if he was responsible for all of Lennie’s problem and besides for Lennie’s decease. He would neer abandon him despite of his mental damage even though he had the opportunity to. Equally good as George cares a batch about Lennie and even for the other cats of the spread. George calmly admits. â€Å"I been average ain’t I? † ( Steinbeck. 12 ) ; George seeking to pick up his words â€Å" Ever’body gon na be nice to you. Ain’t gon na be no more problem. Cipher gon na ache cipher nor bargain from ‘em. † ( what to set ) Steinbeck writes â€Å"And George raised the gun and steadied it. and he brought the muzzle of it close to the dorsum of Lennie’s caput. † ( Steinbeck. 106 ) George knows when he had hurt ( s ) Lennie’s feelings. He killed Lennie because he doesn’t want Lennie to endure in this universe any longer. because he cares. It wasn’t the best thing that he could make but he thought that it would be easier for Lennie and himself. Furthermore. George and Lennie have a program. to purchase a house. a dream that that they can name their ain. It’s still the American dream today. George said convincingly to Lennie â€Å"With us it ain’t like that. We got a hereafter. We got person to speak to that gives a darn about us. We don’t have to sit in saloon room blowin’ our doodly-squat jus’ because we got no topographic point else to travel. If them other guys gets in gaol they can decompose for all anybody gives a darn. But non us†¦ ( another line ) We’ll have a large vegetable spot and a coney hutch and poulets. And when it rains in the winter. we’ll merely state the snake pit with going’ to work and we’ll construct up around it an’ listen to the rain comin’ down on the roof – Nuts! † ( Steinbeck. 14 ) George and Lennie planned what they wanted to hold a long clip ago. but Lennie wanted to hear it all over once more. They dreamt of having â€Å"an acre of land and a shack† to name their ain. It seemed possible when they started working in the Ranch with Candy besides take parting. but after Lennie died. George would non hold Lennie to do him all excited about their dream. And there’s no point of accomplishing it without Lennie because this dream made their friendship tight. made them go closer to each other. and made them think that they have a hereafter. If Lennie wasn’t portion of George’s life so George wouldn’t have a hereafter. he’d merely travel to town and blow his doodly-squat each month like all the other bindle stiffs around. Often men’s program goes amiss. we should anticipate the unexpected.

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