Monday, December 30, 2019

Strengths and Weaknesses of Interpretive Methodology for Understanding Social Life Free Essay Example, 2250 words

The major methodology adopted social interactionists is the qualitative approach in which a researcher will use participant observation in order to analyze both social interaction and the unique individual characteristics. The observer needs to use three basic principles in order to understand the people that he is studying: - Human beings act toward things on the basis of the meanings they ascribe to those things. - The meaning of such things is derived from or arises out of, the social interaction that one has with others and society. - These meanings are handled in, and modified through, an interpretive process used by the person in dealing with the things he/she encounters. The strength of this process is that both the social and individual elements of human behaviour/interaction are considered and this is an approach that makes sense on an instinctual and anecdotal basis. The vital dynamic for the researcher to contemplate is that by interpreting or defining each other s acti ons instead of merely reacting to each other s actions. . . their response is not made directly to the actions of one another but instead is based on the meaning which is they attach to such actions . The overarching paradigm behind this approach was that laid out by Max Weber in his groundbreaking work. We will write a custom essay sample on Strengths and Weaknesses of Interpretive Methodology for Understanding Social Life or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Weber suggests that it is only through understanding the true complexity of social behaviour rather than attempting to simplify it through the scientific method, that it can be understood.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Augustine Of Hippo ( 354-430 ) - 1464 Words

Augustine of Hippo (354-430) was a North African man who took an extremely tumultuous path to sainthood. In his early years, he led a crazy and immoral lifestyle. A driven professor of rhetoric, Augustine’s had lofty worldly goals and a weak sense of conscience. His intense drive to be successful would later create a major problem for him when trying to fully give his life to God. At an early age, Augustine began thinking his mother’s strong sense of Christianity was too uneducated for him. Because he was used to his scholarly readings, he found the Bible to be written in an extremely unsophisticated way. This, along with questions behind the truth of the Old Testament, led him to convert to Manichaean beliefs as a young man.†¦show more content†¦Because of his dealings with Faustus, Augustine learns an important lesson that content is more important than delivery when looking for spiritual truth. During Augustine’s time as a Manichaean, he conver ses with Faustus, a North African sage who is known to be extremely persuasive in Manichaean beliefs. This takes place when Augustine is in Carthage at age twenty-nine. Augustine truly admires his eloquence in speaking, and he â€Å"was delighted by the force and feeling he brought to his discourse† (Confessions He is also impressed by Faustus’ modesty because of the fact that Faustus will readily admit his lack of knowledge in certain subjects and won’t proceed in an argument or explanation unless he has sufficient knowledge. However, Augustine realizes that this â€Å"lack of training in liberal arts† that Faustus exhibits leads to his inability to sufficiently answer the questions that Augustine has about certain Manichaean beliefs (V.vii.12). Augustine is one of the few people that is able to see through Faustus’ articulate and educated speech and realize that the content is lacking. Because of this, Faustus, â€Å"who had been for many a ‘snare of death’ (Ps. 17:6), without his will or knowledge had begun to loosen the bond by which [Augustine] had been captured† (V.vii.13). Augustine’s conclusion that Faustus’ persuasive power wasn’t rooted in substance but in his eloquent discourse

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Redbus Expansion Strategy Free Essays

1. ) Assume that you have a online movie ticketing business in India wherein you enable your customer to buy movie tickets online. It is a thriving business and in Metros and A-cities your company contributes to 60-70% of all ticket sales for the cinema. We will write a custom essay sample on Redbus Expansion Strategy or any similar topic only for you Order Now You are now looking at expanding your markets to other countries. How would you go about 1. a) Sizing the market? Ans: a) Identify the major multiplex and theatre players in the targeted countries. b) Get the data from them about how their tickets are booked. This can help us to identify what percentages of people book their tickets online. Another way would be to make people fill survey forms and these forms could be distributed outside the multiplexes or it could be distributed online. This would help us to identify the people who book tickets online. 1. b) Understanding the current behavior of movie ticket buying customers in that country Ans: a) Once we have identified the percentage of people who have book their tickets online we can segment them on the basis of following to study their behavior: 1) Demographics: age, region and income 2) Medium: Smartphone or computer ) Directly from the multiplex site(like PVR) or through some other site( like book my show) 1. c) Identify the segment that you would want to work in. Ans: I would like to work in online marketing. If I had to expand the movie ticket business in other countries after sizing the market and studying the behavior the next step would be to tap the market. In order to do that we will need to create a name for ourselves in that market. I would like to work on establishing ourselves in the online movie ticketing in new countries. Some ideas as of now I have is: 1) Give the consumers attractive offers along with the tickets. For ex: On buying more than 3 tickets together giving a complementary large tub of popcorn. 2) Make the site interactive and attractive. 3) Provide consumers something, which other players don’t. for ex: consumers will have the option of paying later which is not there in most of the sites as of now in India. 2. ) What are your thoughts on the E-commerce market in India and the impact of mobile for the same? Ans: The E-commerce market is in its budding phase in India as of now. It is growing at a fast pace and it’s going to grow at even bigger pace. Mobile has to play a big role in Indian E-commerce market. The Internet connectivity has increased manifold because of prevalence of smartphones. This can be utilized in numerous ways to benefit the business. It can help in targeted marketing. Secondly, people are going to do more and more of buying through Internet because it will be on their fingertips, they can use it anywhere anytime. As of now the internet on smartphones has not realized its full potential because of low speed but as 3G gets more popular and 4G makes its way into India speed won’t be a problem and people will start doing more and more of their transactions through mobile. Also this new concept of mobile money introduced by airtel in India is going to get more popular and the day is not far when people would be paying most of their bills through mobile money. So, I see a great future for E-commerce in a vast market like India and mobile certainly has a great role to play in it. How to cite Redbus Expansion Strategy, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

System Science And Engineering Management †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The System Science And Engineering Management? Answer: Introduction Brisbane Airport is among the biggest and busiest airports within Australia. It first opened in 1988 and since then, it provides services to millions of passengers every year. However, with continuous operations and rise in the number of passengers, the airport has slowly becoming degraded and less efficient. Hence, a technical upgradation was needed for a long time. In 2014, the Brisbane Airport Commission implemented the Brisbane Airport Master Plan in order do a complete renovation of the Brisbane Airport by upgrading all its technical features. The Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC) has some clear visions for the prospect of the airports and its improvement. The Master Plan of Brisbane Airports 2014 would implement all these visions of BAC and yield an Airport for that implies forecasting requests of improvement and a solid representation of growth in between 2014 and 2034. It is delivered at regular intervals as a major aspect of a statutory prerequisite, while likewise going ab out as a critical channel of data about the development of the airport to industry, government, business and neighborhood more extensive community. The development scheme includes the $1 billion of investment that BAC had used and the $2.5 billion that will be put as resources into flying and non-avionics foundation and administrations throughout the following decade. BAC has arranged four Master Plans since taking responsibility for airport in 1997. The Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan mirrors BAC's sense of duty regarding maintainability over all parts of the airport's operation. Each activity and activity depends on, and measured by, an arrangement of particular improvement goals intended to accomplish adjust crosswise over social, operational, natural and economic aspects. Needs Definition In order to define the needs of the project, four specific factors are to be defined regarding the project. These factors are as follows. Economic Sustainability The Brisbane Airport has been built in Queensland and it has seen huge number of footfalls on daily basis. BAC is focused on proceeding with its reputation of building framework for the future and conveying solid money related outcomes (Buxton Chandu 2016). In doing as such, Brisbane Airport will keep on supporting more extensive economic improvement and employments development for Queensland, Brisbane, and Australia. The pathways for conveying solid money related development BAC receives incorporate particular and convenient advancement, differing income streams and productive utilization of budgetary and operational assets. Environmental Sustainability The main foundation of the Brisbane Airport Commission is the Brisbane Airport and it implies the operational and advancement developed by Brisbane Airport Commission for the operations. The amplification of the water, energy, and waste efficiencies while overlooking the impact of the issues and other problems. The maintenance of the objectives would help in adjusting the assembled conditions. The simplifying of the biodiversities would form the esteemed and highly accomplished practices for the best of the urban and fictitious planning development. Operational Sustainability The safe and secured functions of the airport is a primary concern for the project and it would require the formation of the supplementary objectives and the requirement of the aviation industry development. The Brisbane Airport is one of the busiest centres used for the conveyance of the people. The business development and the implication of the advanced processes for the airport are being developed with the help of the primary resources. The use of the basic resources would help in guaranteeing the development of the airport operations. Brisbane Airport Commission has been keen to extend the airport for forming the benefit of conveyance at the airport and the terminals. Social Sustainability Brisbane Airport Commission are in charge of the operations of the Brisbane Airport and their operations is primarily focus on the development and the support for the manufacturing of the improved functions at Brisbane Airport. The development of the Brisbane airport would involve the empowerment of the successive modification and implementation. The exhibition of the project would help in simplifying the deployment of the process. The Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC) has some clear visions for the prospect of the airports and its improvement. The Master Plan of Brisbane Airports 2014 would implement all these visions of BAC and yield an Airport for that implies forecasting requests of improvement and a solid representation of growth in between 2014 and 2034 (Thomas Scott 2016). BAC has arranged 4 Master Plans while taking responsibility for airport in 1997. The Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan mirrors BAC's sense of duty regarding maintainability over all parts of the airport's operation. The Brisbane Airport has been built in Queensland and it has seen huge number of footfalls on daily basis. The main foundation of the Brisbane Airport Commission is the Brisbane Airport and it implies the operational and advancement developed by Brisbane Airport Commission for the operations. The simplifying of the biodiversities would form the esteemed and highly accomplished practices for the best of the urban and ficti tious planning development. The safe and secured functions of the airport are a primary concern for the project and it would require the formation of the supplementary objectives and the requirement of the aviation industry development. The Brisbane Airport is one of the busiest centres used for the conveyance of the people (Glasby et al. 2015). The use of the basic resources would help in guaranteeing the development of the airport operations. Brisbane Airport Commission has been keen to extend the airport for forming the benefit of conveyance at the airport and the terminals. The development of the Brisbane airport would involve the empowerment of the successive modification and implementation. The exhibition of the project would help in simplifying the deployment of the process. Conceptual Design There are three different plans for the authority that are divided into medium term, short term, and long term plans. These short term plans for the project are as follows. Progress on the NPR development Requirement for constructing one more fire station at Airport North Additional fast leave runway with the current primary runway Implementing upgrades and some new terminals at the airport facilities Airside transporting facilities Development of levelled staff parking till the Central Parking Area The development of a lodging and business focus in Airport Central Domestic Administration structures at Airport Central International Aviation facilities and aviation bolster facilities Additional and overhauled auto parking Improvements to encompassing streets, new dynamic transport and open transport facilities Business, industry and business improvements Additional air ship support, office facilities and extended runway systems in Airport East Construction of extra cargo dealing with limit Utility updates Improvements required to encourage medium-term development of the project and business and industry development are relied upon to incorporate: Ongoing work and charging of the NPR Further terminal, cook's garment and air ship parking bay development Remote terminal facilities Mass travel system connecting airport locales Upgrades to encompassing street arrange Taxiway work Expansion of the cycle and walker pathway arrange and related facilities Expansion of auto parking facilities Construction of extra cargo and upkeep facilities Further business, industry and business advancement Additional aviation bolster facilities Utility redesigns. Improvements required to encourage long term development of the project and business and industry development are relied upon to incorporate: Further terminal, cook's garment and flying machine parking bay extension Remote terminal facilities Further runway interface improvement to get to extra shelters in Airport East and Airport North Airside mass travel system Upgrades to encompassing street organize Ground transport exchange associated with the mass travel system Further improvement of the Central Parking Area Cycle and person on foot ways Construction of extra cargo and support facilities Further business, industry and business improvement Additional aviation bolster facilities Utility redesigns. The control system of Brisbane Airport requires the use of the exhaustive EMS or Environmental Management System. The Brisbane Airport Commission has incorporated the EMS and it had resulted in keeping the deployment of the Airport consistent with the systems of the Australian Operations. The systematic implementation of the EMS with the objectives of Brisbane Airport Commission would help in achieving the aspects of the airport operations. The attenuation of the world class EMS would help in achieving the developed sustainability and environmental friendly operations for Brisbane Airport (Sieverts, 2014). The reports of Airport Acts have explained that the AES had shaped the development of the master plan for Brisbane Airports. The development of EMS and its deployment of Brisbane Airport Commission had distinguished the risk analysis and it had formed the operations of overseeing the dangers by developing effective plan of action (Bridges Gudgin, 2014). The AES would exclude the c ontamination of the air and noise due to the machine flying and isolated enhancements. Discussion and Analysis Resources Analysis The following table shows the proposed 5 year property expansion plan as follows. Estate Zoning Proposed Utilization Estimated GFA (km2) Proposed Expenses (hundred thousand AUD$) Airport Industrial Park/Airport South Mixed Utilization Office, animal keeping, and warehouse, 110.80 1.12 Da Vinci/Airport South Mixed Utilization Aircraft maintenance facility, office, aviation education facility, warehouse, and carpark 30.96 0.3 Export Park/Airport South Mixed Utilization, Industry Warehouse, telecommunications, Office, food outlet, car park, and beverage outlet 105.76 1.04 Airport East Industry Aircraft maintenance facility, Office, and carpark 7.30 0.1 Skygate/Airport Central Major Centre public transport facility and administration building Event entertainment facility, office, car park, shop, food and beverage, and wholesale supplies outlet, 63.75 2.0 Airport Drive West/Airport Central Mixed Utilization, Special Purpose Airport Showroom and shop of Service station 13.78 0.35 DomesticT2/Airport Central Special Purpose Airport Public administration building, Offices, Hotel, and motel 29.30 0.7 International T1/Airport Central Special Purpose Airport, Mixed Utilization Car Park, Public administration building, aviation support facility and office 2.57 0.09 Central Parking Area/Airport West Mixed Utilization Utility Installation and Car park 0.3 0.35 Airport North Special Purpose Airport Aviation support facility and Aviation activity, 5.08 0.1 Moreton Drive West/Airport Central Mixed Utilization NIL NIL Time Schedule and Milestones The time schedule and milestones of the project are shown in the following table, Task Name Duration Start Finish Brisbane Airport Development Project 247 days Mon 10/2/17 Tue 9/11/18 Project Planning Phase 113 days Mon 10/2/17 Wed 3/7/18 Meeting between related authorities 15 days Mon 10/2/17 Fri 10/20/17 Preparation of the development plan 30 days Mon 10/23/17 Fri 12/1/17 Analysis of the proposed project 15 days Mon 12/4/17 Fri 12/22/17 Risk Analysis and Survey 10 days Mon 12/25/17 Fri 1/5/18 Meeting with government officials 5 days Mon 1/8/18 Fri 1/12/18 Development of final project plan 20 days Mon 1/15/18 Fri 2/9/18 Development of time schedule 10 days Mon 2/12/18 Fri 2/23/18 Development of project budget 5 days Mon 2/26/18 Fri 3/2/18 Verification of the Project Plan 2 days Mon 3/5/18 Tue 3/6/18 Project Plan Approval 1 day Wed 3/7/18 Wed 3/7/18 Project Initiation Phase 97 days Thu 3/8/18 Fri 7/20/18 Analysis of existing conditions of the airport 30 days Thu 3/8/18 Wed 4/18/18 Collection of data 5 days Thu 4/19/18 Wed 4/25/18 Final noting of further requirements 3 days Thu 4/26/18 Mon 4/30/18 Testing the existing technical components of the airport 3 days Tue 5/1/18 Thu 5/3/18 Proposal of suitable technical upgrades 6 days Fri 5/4/18 Fri 5/11/18 Procurement of project budget 15 days Mon 5/14/18 Fri 6/1/18 Appointment of stakeholders 5 days Mon 6/4/18 Fri 6/8/18 Allocation of budget 10 days Mon 6/11/18 Fri 6/22/18 Project Execution as per the plan 20 days Mon 6/25/18 Fri 7/20/18 Project Completion Phase 29 days Mon 7/23/18 Thu 8/30/18 Preparation of Project Report 10 days Mon 7/23/18 Fri 8/3/18 Project Evaluation 5 days Mon 8/6/18 Fri 8/10/18 Testing the final technical upgrades 5 days Mon 8/13/18 Fri 8/17/18 Development of usage guidelines 5 days Mon 8/20/18 Fri 8/24/18 Approval of the Project Report 4 days Mon 8/27/18 Thu 8/30/18 Project Sign Off 8 days Fri 8/31/18 Tue 9/11/18 Closure of the Project 2 days Fri 8/31/18 Mon 9/3/18 Project Appraisal 5 days Tue 9/4/18 Mon 9/10/18 Sign off 1 day Tue 9/11/18 Tue 9/11/18 Accordingly, the Gantt chart and WBS are as follows. Figure 1: Project Gantt Chart (Source: Created by Author) Figure 2: Project WBS (Source: Created by Author) Conclusion Brisbane Airport is among the biggest and busiest airports in Australia. It first opened in 1988 and since then, it provides services to millions of passengers every year. However, with continuous operations and rise in the number of passengers, the airport has slowly becoming degraded and less efficient. Hence, a technical up gradation was needed for a long time. In this report, the proposed projects for technical upgrades have been presented in this report. References Aldred, J., Day, J. Glasby, T., GEOPOLYMER CONCRETENO LONGER LABCRETE! Bridges, C. Gudgin, J., 2014. A soil-nailed excavation for the Brisbane Airport Link project, Australia.Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Geotechnical Engineering,167(2), pp.205-216. Buxton, M. Chandu, A., 2016. When growth collides: conflict between urban and airport growth in Melbourne, Australia.Australian Planner,53(4), pp.310-320. Chi, S., Bunker, J.M. Kajewski, S.L., 2016. Comparative case study on cost-benefit analysis for toll road projects. Eves, C. Blake, A., 2016. The impact of aircraft noise and complaints on Brisbane residential property performance. Glasby, T., Day, J., Genrich, R. Aldred, J., 2015, September. EFC geopolymer concrete aircraft pavements at Brisbane West Wellcamp Airport. InConcrete Institute of Australia Conference, 27th. Kuyt, J., 2015.Observed loading behavior during cross passage construction for Brisbane Airport Link project. Colorado School of Mines. Lohmann, G., Trischler, J. 2017. Licence to build, licence to charge? Market power, pricing and the financing of airport infrastructure development in Australia.Transport Policy,59, 28-37. McRae, M., Villeneuve, M., Trim, M., Sun, Y., Barraclough, P., Spiegl, A., Amon, A., Lagger, H. Coombes, I., 2014. Brisbane Airport Link Project: Design and construction of the 26m span Kedron Cavernscomparing monitoring data with the design. Rahman, M.M., Yeganeh, B., Clifford, S., Knibbs, L.D. Morawska, L., 2017. Development of a land use regression model for daily NO 2 and NO x concentrations in the Brisbane metropolitan area, Australia.Environmental Modelling Software,95, pp.168-179. Regan, M., Smith, J. Love, E.D., 2015. Project Finance for Public-Private Partnerships: Evidence from Australia. InProceedings of the 2ne International Conference on Public-Private Partnerships, Austin, Texas, USA. Searle, G., Darchen, S. Huston, S., 2014. Positive and negative factors for transit oriented development: Case studies from Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney.Urban policy and research,32(4), pp.437-457. Sieverts, T., 2014. 14 Airport, cities and the globe.Airports, Cities and Regions, p.282. Swanson, H. Robbins, P., 2014. For more information.Indicator, p.15. Thomson, S. Scott, T., 2016. Brisbane International Airport retail upgrade.Artichoke, (56), p.102. Yang, D., Ameratunga, J., Dunstan, J. Shipway, I., 2015. Innovative design for drainage structure on deep soft ground.Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Geotechnical Engineering,168(6), pp.483-497.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Abortion (this is a position paper!) essays

Abortion (this is a position paper!) essays Abortion is a very controversial topic and everyone has his or her own opinion. I don't really believe in abortion and I would never have one but my opinion of abortion is if you are against it you shouldnt have one. Abortion does kill a human child. The child may not be very old or very well developed, but it is still a baby that needs food and water and can feel pain and hear and see and jump up and down. I believe that abortion is actually a good idea if the pregnancy will probably kill the mother or if the fetus is not and can never be viable outside the womb. I have looked around to find the pro-choice arguments that I think are the most convincing arguments for abortion and tried to answer them with my own opinion in a way that is as convincing as the way they are presented. Don't teen girls need the choice of abortion though? As a teen girl I think an abortion would be even harder for me now than if I was older. Killing a baby that has never done anything to deserve death would make me very depressed. In addition, I think that many girls probably feel they have no other choice. If schools and colleges provided free childcare during school hours, girls could drop their babies off and visit between classes. I think that if girls had more choices like this, fewer girls would have abortions. Even if schools have no childcare, a girl living close to her mother, grandmother or even grandfather or father might be able to leave the baby with them for the day. Also, there are many, many more eligible families who want to adopt a baby than there are babies up for adoption. Abortion kills a baby that could make another family happy. But isn't it going to condemn women to incompetent butchers if abortion is illegal? Even in the current situation there are butchers. Abortion clinics do not have to comply with the same standards as hospitals and regular clinics, so women can die from the various complications of abortion....

Monday, November 25, 2019

18 Funny St. Patricks Day Quotes and Toasts

18 Funny St. Patrick's Day Quotes and Toasts Irish people love to joke about themselves, and their love for alcohol has long been a theme in St. Patricks Day humor- and their own good-natured ribbing of each other. Get a taste of the Irish sense of humor with these funny St. Patricks Day quotes, and use these toasts the next time youre in your favorite pub with friends. Irish Blessing May the Good Lord take a liking to you...but not too soon! May the Lord keep you in his hand and never close his fist too tight. Author Unknown Saint Patrick was a gentlemanWho through strategy and stealthDrove all the snakes from IrelandHeres a drinkee to his health!But not too many drinkeesLest we lose ourselves and then...Forget the good Saint PatrickAnd see them snakes again! Anyone acquainted with Ireland knows that the morning of St. Patricks Day consists of the night of the 17th of March flavored strongly with the morning of the 18th. Daryl Stout Why should you never iron a 4-leaf clover? You dont want to press your luck. Irish Saying There are only two kinds of people in the world, The Irish and those who wish they were. There are many good reasons for drinking,One has just entered my head.If a man doesnt drink when hes living,How in the hell can he drink when hes dead? An Irishman is never drunk as long as he can hold onto one blade of grass to keep from falling off the earth. Charles M. Madigan St. Patrick- one of the few saints whose feast day presents the opportunity to get determinedly whacked and make a fool of oneself all under the guise of acting Irish. St. Patricks Day Toast Here’s to a long life and a merry one.A quick death and an easy oneA pretty girl and an honest oneA cold beer- and another one! Irish Toast It is better to spend money like theres no tomorrow than to spend tonight like theres no money! May you die in bed at 95 years, shot by a jealous husband (or wife). May the sound of happy music, And the lilt of Irish laughter, fill your heart with gladness, that stays forever after. May your glass be ever full.May the roof over your head be always strong.And may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows youre dead. When we drink, we get drunk.When we get drunk, we fall asleep.When we fall asleep, we commit no sin.When we commit no sin, we go to heaven.So, lets all get drunk, and go to heaven! May you always have a clean shirt, a clear conscience, and enough coins in your pocket to buy a pint! May the winds of fortune sail you, may you sail a gentle sea, may it always be the other guy who says This drinks on me. May your doctor never earn a dollar out of you and may your heart never give out. May the 10 toes of your feet steer you clear of all misfortune, and before youre much older, may you hear much better toasts than this.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Research Paper on Employee Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Research Paper on Employee Relations - Essay Example Rights and privileges of workers are put in place taking into account such limitations only. Maintaining good employee relations depends on how the rights and privileges of workers are treated by the organization. Finding good people often proves to be difficult for the organization, it is therefore essential to find ways to retain them as well. Good industrial relations or employee relations form part of such efforts. This study is an effort to analyze the essential tools and techniques used by organizations to manage the human resources in an organization and how the HRM has adapted itself to the changing economic scenario. In particular the objectives of this study are to have an assessment of; To get the optimum from a satisfied and participative individual is considered to be the ultimate objective of HRM policies. The global economy has made it almost mandatory for international corporations that an effective strategy is adopted for managing the human resources and the diversity. It is through their behavior that employees give expression to their commitment to work, level of motivation and their attitudes. Behavior includes all actions overt or covert, and verbal or non-verbal. This affects the overall efficiency of the person and the performance of the organization. ... Behavior includes all actions overt or covert, and verbal or non-verbal. This affects the overall efficiency of the person and the performance of the organization. Some of the organizations encourage Unions and Associations to represent the employees' issues and such organizations have a mechanism which encourages cordial relations between such unions and management as it helps in smooth functioning of the organization. But there are some other organizations which prefer to engage with individual employees for grievance redressal. Such a mechanism generally functions well in smaller organizations having lesser number of employees. The ultimate aim is to have a functioning relation with employees so that the company's functioning is not adversely affected. As a student of human resources management it is very crucial for me that I am fully aware about such a mechanism, the legal positions and how the system has evolved over the years. 1.3 Learning Outcomes We have learnt the basic concepts of human resources management during our study and do have a fair idea about the rules and regulations as well. Through this paper, an effort will be made to look around us and observe the functioning of some of the organizations, search for relevant news items in the contemporary media and sift through other views and findings from similar researches carried out by other scholars. The HR field has many dimensions and it affects almost all aspects of the organization, therefore analyzing all such fields will remain out of the scope of this study. But with the limited resources and the lessons learnt so far, I'll try to make the study as comprehensive as possible, so that I come out enriching my knowledge about the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Health policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Health policy - Essay Example Women in the middle class who had considerably better security and others, who had proper insurance, now have better security cover under the new Act (Selker and Wasser 123). The Affordable Care Act has increased the number of women who own health insurance covers in the country. Similarly, the nation as a whole is now spending the hard earned income wisely and assured of high standards of health care. The act invests in wellness and protection and offers families and individuals more control over their health care. The ACA offers women a number of benefits that are crucial to their access to health care. One of the benefits is the provision of coverage of prevention services. Under the Act, this rule is guaranteed with no cost sharing. Preventive care is important because it saves money and promotes health. Before the Act, these services were difficult to access because of the high deductibles, co-pays, and co-insurances. It was estimated that 50% of women delayed seeking medical care and had to give up necessities in order to access health care. Health insurance companies are required to offer covers for prevention services under the new law. An estimated forty-five percent of women have taken advantage of these provisions (Selker and Wasser 153). Under the act, insurance plans are required to include maternity care. It is common for individual health insurance to overlook maternity care cover. Research shows that only twelve percent of the coverages offered cover maternity care. Additionally, maternity care covers provided are inadequate because of the deductibles and the waiting period associated with them. Under the new law, approximately eight and a half million women will be guaranteed of the cover. Another tenet of the women benefits under the Affordable Care Act is the more control over individual health care. The ACA assures women that they will no longer require referrals

Monday, November 18, 2019

China - Literature Development, Confucianism and Revolutions Essay

China - Literature Development, Confucianism and Revolutions - Essay Example Additionally, the essay discusses the philosophy of Confucius herein referred as Confucianism and how it has influenced the lives of the people of China in reality to date. Finally, the paper provides an in-depth analysis of the 1911 – 1949 revolution as the revolution with the greatest impact on China socially, economically and politically. A brief summary conclusion shall be provided that summarizes the thoughts in this essay. Redness or red as it were was a term used to refer to certain attitudes that were political and ideological. They were prescribed by the doctrine of Maoist. The expert on the other hand usually juxtaposed with the reds was used to denote special skills or knowledge in science or technology. As such tension existed between the two groups in the twentieth century in China with the two terms used in juxtaposition to one another (Schoppa, pg.112). Therefore redness had to do with the political and ideological attitudes while experts were intellectuals in this period. As such during the twentieth century, the two sides conflicted with beliefs that the two were mutually exclusive and could not be combined. Strauss, (578 -580) explains: As the two sides differed in ideologies it became difficult for them to strike a balance between the two in China. Chinese literature was indeed very crucial for nation building having a very resilient traditional cultural legacy. Thus it defined Chinese nationalism. Therefore striking a balance between reds and experts became one great challenge for this nation. The nation then took to carry out education reforms from the 1950s onwards and Chinese literature entangled with the nation building. As such the nation’s culture was defined by its literature. In the wake of a movement called the new culture, Kaozheng (reds) method came to be first provided. This was in 1917. Through this, a novel was written in vernacular focusing on canonizing the literature of Chinese.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Difference Between Historians and Scientists

Difference Between Historians and Scientists Yong Jia Bu Theory of Knowledge History and the Human Sciences: Stepping Stones through Time Title #5: â€Å"The historian’s task is to understand the past, the human scientist, by contrast, is looking to change the future.† To what extent is this true in these areas of knowledge? History and the human sciences are considered two different areas of knowledge, but are common in that both are concerned with human existence and interactions. To say that â€Å"[t]he historian’s task is to understand the past, the human scientist, by contrast, is looking to change the future† suggests a method of distinguishing between these two areas of knowledge based on the time frame relevant to each, and the purposes for which each area obtains knowledge: history focuses on analysis of past events, their causes and implications, while human sciences, such as geography and psychology, seek more to find patterns in human activity in order to predict and change the future. Subjects such as geopolitics and evolutionary anthropology can, however, bridge the time gap between history and the human sciences, and cause the purposes of knowledge in these two areas to overlap as well. In these particular subjects, understanding the past and changing the future are not neces sarily divergent purposes, but purposes which can work hand in hand to allow a knower to acquire and make use of knowledge. The quotation in the topic of this paper suggests that history is an area of knowledge which places a greater emphasis on understanding the past than on using the acquired knowledge to achieve goals or to alter the trajectory of future events. One reason why this attitude toward history might exist is that out of the vast collection of past events studied in this discipline, the majority of subjects are believed to be too distant in the past or too far removed from the concerns of today’s society to be of significant influence to the future. While this claim is likely not true, as knowledge is almost always pursued because it has value and applications, this belief indirectly reveals the expectations of a credible historian to record and interpret historical knowledge in the most accurate form possible, and that he or she is not motivated to influence the present or future by putting forth historical information that supports personal agendas. A credible historian is therefore someone who uncovers and makes sense of the past for the sake of understanding what has come before. A credible historian recognizes that the knowledge gained his or her studies can be relevant to or have value in the present and future, but does not attempt to control how the knowledge may become influential to society. When I researched the topic of whether Louis Riel, a Canadian politician and rebel during the late 1800’s, should have been sentenced to death for treason, my goal was to gain a better understanding of who Riel was and the circumstances surrounding his death, and then to evaluate the events based on the information I had gathered. In presenting my findings, I needed to show that the conclusions I came to had been achieved through consistent and impartial treatment of historical evidence, and that although my findings may eventually challenge or disprove other positions, the focus on my research was to better understand historical events rather than to promot e what I believed to be true. While I cannot consider myself a credible historian, I believe that those who can would go through a similar process in their studies, in which the historian investigates, makes sense of, and communicates his or her findings without actively aiming to change the future. In this way, a historian’s main concern is to understand the past, despite awareness of the potential implications that their pursuit and refinement of historical knowledge can have on the future. In some cases, although events may have occurred centuries ago, their consequences can continue to affect the lives of people for a long time, and the way that historians interpret evidence surrounding such events can significantly influence the decisions made by individuals or even entire nations. Society may actively pursue historical knowledge in order to solve problems concerning the future. The establishment of political boundaries, though it may fall within field of geopolitics and therefore the human sciences, is closely tied to and influenced by historical land claims and records of settlement. In the Senkaku or Diaoyu Islands dispute, Japan, China, and Taiwan all claim to have sovereignty over a set of uninhabited islands in the East China Sea based on historical records and proceedings (Drifte 11). The Chinese claim is based on documents from the fourteenth to seventeenth centuries that describe ownership of the islands by Taiwan, which China also claims to be part of its o wn country. Disputes also revolve around the Treaty of Shimonoseki of 1895, which ceded islands under Chinese control to Japan but did not specifically mention the Senkaku or Diaoyu Islands (Drifte 12). The understanding of historical events and interpretation of historical documents thus play an important role in shaping the political future, as they are used by governments and international organizations to negotiate territorial boundaries. This field exemplifies how the historian’s role is to look equally toward understanding the past and changing the future. In comparison to history, the human sciences are associated with a more present-to-future time frame. Human scientists recognize the importance of understanding the past observations and studies that their knowledge is based upon, but it is the application of existing knowledge to new situations and problems that is the purpose at the centre of the human sciences. One goal of a human geographer may be to predict the volume and direction of human migration to and from a nation, so that this information can be used to help shape a nation’s future migration policies and perhaps prevent demographic changes not desired by the nation. To do this, the geographer would need to have background knowledge such as the theory of push and pull factors of migration, which consists of â€Å"laws of migration† developed by Ernest George Ravenstein in 1885, and modified by later geographers. Ravenstein’s theory outlines general patterns in the movement of people from one place to another, such as that â€Å"[m]igrants proceeding long distances generally go by preference to one of the great centres of commerce or industry† (Corbett), and while Ravenstein and later contributors must have based their conclusions on studies of specific migratory cases, the statements within the theory do not include details regarding the specific past occurrences that the theory is derived from. The principles of migration listed in this theory act as a condensed body of knowledge that can be learned and applied to current conditions to make predictions about migration trends in the future, which can subsequently prompt actions to avert undesired outcomes. As extensive understanding of the origins of current theories does not necessarily improve the effectiveness of their use, it is not considered essential that human scientists focus their time on understanding past developments which led to the formation of current theories. Rather, human scientists are encouraged to lo ok toward changing the future by readily using the latest complication of knowledge in their field. There are also disciplines which, although considered human sciences, are very concerned with understanding the past. Evolutionary anthropologists seek both to investigate the origins of human beings, as well as to change future scientific paradigms based on new discoveries. In 2013, anthropologists working in southern Georgia excavated 1.8 million-year-old skulls of human ancestors which â€Å"ha[ve] forced scientists to rethink the story of early human evolution† (Sample), because the existence of these early humans in Europe at the same time as the existence of early humans in Africa undermines the widely accepted theory that humans evolved from species that originated in Africa. Regardless of whether this discovery leads to a new evolutionary theory, it illustrates how in one way, the purpose of knowledge in evolutionary anthropology is to seek understanding of the past as historians would—by investigating the collective origins and past of the human species— while in another way, the evolutionary anthropologist also seeks to change the future of the discipline by challenging the accepted theories and paradigms of today. Understanding the past and changing the future can thus be equally important objectives in the advancement of the human sciences. When a knower strives to change the future, he or she often realizes the need to understand the past in order to better predict the outcomes and consequences of his or her actions. Conversely, in attempting to understand the past, a knower may be motivated to modify existing approaches toward knowledge to change the future. Subjects within history and the human sciences may lean closer to either the purpose of understanding the past or the purpose of changing the future, but are likely some combination of the two. As history and the human sciences are thus difficult to distinguish on the basis of time frame and purpose of knowledge, additional consideration of their differences in methodologies or sources of evidence may aid in clarifying the differences between the natures of these two areas of knowledge. Word count: 1479 Works Cited Corbett, John. â€Å"Ernest George Raventstein: The Laws of Migration, 1885.† Centre for Spatially Integrated Social Science. University of California, Santa Barbara, 2011. Web. 26 Nov. 2013. Drifte, Reinhard. The Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands Territorial Dispute between Japan and China: between the Materialization of the â€Å"China Threat† and Japan â€Å"Reversing the Outcome of World War II†? The Research Unit on International Security and Cooperation (UNISCI), May 2013. PDF file. Sample, Ian. â€Å"Skull of Homo Erectus Throws Story of Human Evolution into Disarray.† The Guardian. Guardian News and Media Limited, 17 Oct. 2013. Web. 24 Nov. 2013.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

Throughout history the human race has sought forms of entertainment. Whether it be in the form of a simple game, a grandiose tournament or a simple play production, we have always sought to entertain ourselves. In recent years as the film industry has continued to grow and evolve a new genre has emerged the mainstream popular culture. One big idea changed the course of a genre and an entire Industry. That would be comic book movies. The first moderately successful Marvel film was X-Men, this was the first time that the superhero genre made a successful transition from the comic book to the silver screen. It was a movie that was enjoyable not only just for fans but for non-fans of the comics as well. X-Men was released in 2000, the budget for the film was $75 million, which is incredibly lowed compared to the average movie budget which is between $120-200 million these days. The Box office total for the film was $296,339,527, which back in 2000 would have been a rather respectable box office take. Something to keep in mind about this movie is that the computer generated special effects that are so common in movies today, were rather under developed, which would lend to the smaller budget as well as the more practical effects that are featured in the movie. This is also why the film feels rather bland when one goes back and watches it now, there was a lot of walking and talking in this film, not much action. Prior to the X-Men movies though there had been three other Marvel movies that had been released, however all three could be deemed failures. The three films were the 1989 The Punisher, which was actually released directly... ... the Guardians of the Galaxy in August, and the Avengers 2 in 2015, followed by Ant-Man. Marvel has also made a deal with Netflix to create four shows based off their characters to be released in 2015, starting with Daredevil, which is a major slap in the face to 20th century Fox who previously owned the rights and I love it. The awesome part is that these shows will take place in the established Marvel Cinematic Universe, then the four characters are going to come together into a mini series called the defenders which is comparable to the avengers. This just goes to show how this idea of the shared universe has spread beyond just the cinema now, but to television as well, and not only just television but online movie streaming. These shows will never actually be released on television, but purely on Netflix. Which will be a massive boost for Netflix and for marvel.